Resting Feet

Find in our catalog the footwear that will define our relationship. Orthopedic shoes, latest trends, seasonal products; fill the cart as you need and get in touch to design a relationship that lasts generations.

Loyal to the comfort that Vulcanizados Alberola has represented for 40 years, the brand continues growing by adapting to the market trends and reinventions.

One goal, creating a product that efficiently fulfills your business needs.

One tool, the relationship that helps us grow together season after season the same way our representatives in more than 50 countries already do.


In a business world that grows distant and impersonal, Vulcanizados Alberola sticks to the traditionally close relationship with stakeholders.

Get in touch; let’s set prices and shipping terms aligned with your needs.

Let's work together

Subvención de 37.605,73 € otorgada por Generalitat Valenciana mediante Resolución de 9 de Julio de 2019, de la Directora general de Industria y energía a Vulcanizados Alberola, S.L.
Con fecha 30 de septiembre de 2019, la Presidencia del IVACE ha dictado resolución por la que se aprueba la concesión de la ayuda reembolsable, préstamo bonificado por importe de 77.000 euros a Vulcanizados Alberola, S.L. para la obra correspondiente a una instalación de autoconsumo-solar fotovoltaica de 100 kWn para su establecimiento industrial situado en Elche Parque Industrial C/ Juan Negrín, 55 – Torrellano – Elche (Alicante)

En el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia - Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU